Pizza Guide: A La Parrilla Pizza

This page on A La Parrilla pizza is one of over 200 unique types of Pizza I have collated into one big ‘Pizza Guide’. Feel free to look at the other pizzas here.

About A La Parrilla Pizza

Pizza Name: A La Parrilla

Originates from: Argentina

I have tried to research exactly where they came from, or are most popular. Let me know any corrections if you disagree with the above country choice.

Pizza Type: Meat

Base Sauce: Red

There are two types of base sauces which distinguish different types of pizza. Red, which normally means tomato or chill sauce, and white, which is often either olive oil, cheese or a cream sauce. White sauce pizzas are referred to as Pizza Bianca, and red sauce pizzas are categorised as Pizza Rossa.

A La Parrilla Pizza Toppings

Here is a list of the typical toppings on a A La Parrilla Pizza. Some variations may occur from place to place.

  • Red Sauce
  • Cheese
  • Various Toppings

A La Parrilla Recipes

Want to make A La Parrilla at home? Here are some great recipes we’ve found;

Grilled Pizza (Pizza A La Parrilla)

Famous Quote

Life is not about finding yourself. It’s about finding pizza. – Anonymous

Other Pizzas

Is A La Parrilla not to your liking? Check out all the other pizzas we have in our Pizza Guide.